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Left: New York Playboy Club Bunnies Waren Smith, Tiki Owens, and Liz Jomes enhance the guided missile frigate USS Wainwright's ceremonial quarterdeck. Right, top to bottom: Miss James proves to ENFN Jim Dimas that phone-talking can be fun; Miss Owens beams as the three girls receive a Woinwright ship's plaque which they now have on display at their New York hutch; Miss Smith tries out the Charleston-bosed ship's fare in the appreciative company of FTM3 Richard Prockish aboard the guided missile frigate USS Leahy. |
WELCOME and then some When a Navy ship makes a port visit, it's not too unusual for the ship to be visited by various dignitaries from the city and, during an open house, by hundreds or thousands of visitors. But when the guided missile frigates uss Leahy (DLG 16) and uss Wainwright (DLG 28) made a four-day, R&R stopover in New York City, their visit was anything but ordinary. Three New York City Playboy Bunnies—Waren Smith, Tiki Owens and Liz James—not only spent several hours touring each ship, but also extended special guest memberships to the New York City Playboy Club to each of the ships* crews. Those who were aboard Leahy for one evening meal took away some splendid and lasting memories of the bunnies serving dinner in the general mess. No one seems to remember the menu that night, although Leahy crewmen possibly established a new record for wolfing down their food so they could go through the chow line the second time. The New York port visit was a break in the action for Leahy and Wainwright, which, in conjunction with the destroyer uss Forrest Sherman (DD 931)» had been involved in the summer training program for Naval Academy midshipmen. |
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Submitted by: Wayne Wenner |