1964 Family-Crew Med Cruise Letters
Listed are copies of the five Leahy letters I wrote
in 1964. They are dated 6 August, 4 September, 6 October,
4 November, and 5 December. Together they are a brief outline of our 1964 deployment with the 6th Fleet.
I wrote them and had copies distributed to all of our crew. The purpose was more than to summarize our
experiences in the Mediterranean but also to encourage the crew to write home to their families. I hope
the letters will be of some interest to you and others of our ship.
Capt. Steven N. Anastasion Cover Letter
Letter To Families And Crew Dated 6 August 1964 Page 1 Page 2
Letter To Families And Crew Dated 4 September 1964 Page 1 Page 2
Letter To Families And Crew Dated 6 October 1964 Page 1 Page 2
Letter To Families And Crew Dated 4 November 1964 Page 1 Page 2
Letter To Families And Crew Dated 5 December 1964 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3